Even though I'm usually not a fan of books written in, well, the last couple of decades, I'll give "The Wordy Shipmates" a try if simply because I'm taking an American Literature class that focuses on Puritan Lit. Puritan Lit is as boring as hell (Puritans, if they were reading, would take offense not only because I dissed their literature but because I swore. That's why I did it). Winthrop is an abstract bore with one good catchphrase (Sarah Palin, it was Winthrop who coined "city on a hill" first, not Reagan. Although it is quite possible that ole Reagan knew Winthrop back in the day, Winthrop still deserves credit because frankly it's the one claim to fame he'll ever get); Jonathan Edwards inspires anger in even the meek with such classic imagery as spiders over cauldrons (sinners in this case being the spider and the cauldron...I'm sure you get what the cauldron represents); Bradford is a killjoy who even manages to make a trial over bestiality boring. All in all, I think I've done the most research for Vowell.
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